- (前) DB자산운용, 퀀트운용
- 서울대학교 수리과학부, 학사
Lee Kyungho /AI and Applied Mathematics
We aim to develop platform for new drug development through applying machine learning technology.
“Machine learning is applied to a variety of areas such as image recognition, voice regonition, autonomous
driving, etc. Recently, it is being applied to life sciences as well and prediction in protein folding which shows
better performance than existing method is one of the representative cases.
AI Lab aims to develop machine learning model that is specifically designed for new drug development. We are
continuing our research and development in creating the effective solution to all possible problems in the journey
of new drug development.
There is not much data accumulated in this field and therefore, it is critical to effectively and efficiently analyze
and use the data and knowledge we have in hand. We are using unsupervised learning method and with more
data to come from Voronoi scientists and R&D team, we expect to improve our AI development platform.
I had been working at finance industry, specifically focusing on quantitative investing for the last 10 years.
Currently, I am applying my experience to new drug development in Voronoi AI lab.”

- (前) DB자산운용, 퀀트운용
- 서울대학교 수리과학부, 학사
Lee Kyungho /AI and Applied Mathematics
We aim to develop platform for new drug development through applying machine learning technology.
“Machine learning is applied to a variety of areas such as image recognition, voice regonition, autonomous
driving, etc. Recently, it is being applied to life sciences as well and prediction in protein folding which shows
better performance than existing method is one of the representative cases.
AI Lab aims to develop machine learning model that is specifically designed for new drug development. We are
continuing our research and development in creating the effective solution to all possible problems in the journey
of new drug development.
There is not much data accumulated in this field and therefore, it is critical to effectively and efficiently analyze
and use the data and knowledge we have in hand. We are using unsupervised learning method and with more
data to come from Voronoi scientists and R&D team, we expect to improve our AI development platform.
I had been working at finance industry, specifically focusing on quantitative investing for the last 10 years.
Currently, I am applying my experience to new drug development in Voronoi AI lab.”