Young Mo Kang, MD, PhD
Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Korea
Dr. Kang is currently professor in Kyungpook National School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry & Cell Biology. Dr. Kang has special expertise in Rheumatology area.
Dr. Kang’s educational background goes back to 1986, when he achieved his B.S. degree in Medicine in Kyungpook National University. He then achieved his PhD degree in the same school in year 1996. He then joined as an instructor in department of internal medicine in Dongguk University School of Medicine. He then became professor in Kyungpook National University, Department of Internal Medicine in 1997 and since then he is still serving his role as a professor in the same school. In 1991, he served his post-doctoral fellowship in Mayo Clinic in USA where he focused the research of Rheumatology in Department of Medicine and Immunology. Dr. Kang also served as a chairman of Department of Internal Medicine from 2014 to 2016. Dr. Kang is currently CEO of Preclina Inc. as well.
Dr. Kang is currently a member of American Association of Immunologists, American Society of Matrix Biology, Asian Pacific League of Rheumatologists, Korean College of Rheumatology and an International Fellow Member of American College of Rheumatology. He has also been a steering committee of The Korean Study Group of Synovitis Research since 2007 and editor-in-chief of World Journal of Rheumatology since 2015.
Dr. Kang was a principal investigator of clinical trials of Tofacitinib (Pfizer) and Filgotinib (Galapagos).

Young Mo Kang, MD, PhD
Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Korea
Dr. Kang is currently professor in Kyungpook National School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry & Cell Biology. Dr. Kang has special expertise in Rheumatology area.
Dr. Kang’s educational background goes back to 1986, when he achieved his B.S. degree in Medicine in Kyungpook National University. He then achieved his PhD degree in the same school in year 1996. He then joined as an instructor in department of internal medicine in Dongguk University School of Medicine. He then became professor in Kyungpook National University, Department of Internal Medicine in 1997 and since then he is still serving his role as a professor in the same school. In 1991, he served his post-doctoral fellowship in Mayo Clinic in USA where he focused the research of Rheumatology in Department of Medicine and Immunology. Dr. Kang also served as a chairman of Department of Internal Medicine from 2014 to 2016. Dr. Kang is currently CEO of Preclina Inc. as well.
Dr. Kang is currently a member of American Association of Immunologists, American Society of Matrix Biology, Asian Pacific League of Rheumatologists, Korean College of Rheumatology and an International Fellow Member of American College of Rheumatology. He has also been a steering committee of The Korean Study Group of Synovitis Research since 2007 and editor-in-chief of World Journal of Rheumatology since 2015.
Dr. Kang was a principal investigator of clinical trials of Tofacitinib (Pfizer) and Filgotinib (Galapagos).