About Link-Company

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Our work


[:ko]질병에 대한 높은 이해와 혁신적인 기술을 바탕으로
경쟁력 있는 치료제를 개발하고 있습니다.[:en]Voronoi develops novel TPD (Target protein degraders) and kinase inhibitors with the aim to treat intractable and rare diseases. We are developing competitive therapies based on deep understanding of diseases and innovative technologies. [:]

Our work2021-10-28T14:02:34+00:00



[:ko]보로노이는 인산화효소(Kinase) 정밀표적치료제(Genotype-directed Therapy) 개발 분야에서 글로벌 경쟁력을 갖춘 바이오벤처입니다. [:en]Voronoi is a bio-venture with global competitiveness in the field of Kinase Genotype-directed therapy.[:]

About VORONOI2024-03-22T12:07:23+00:00